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Farewell Party for Incoming Exchange Students Fall/2007

By Mr. Peter Westermann Kjaer
Exchange Students from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
After almost four fantastic months, but still one to go at Thammasat Business School, it was Monday 19 November 2007 time for the official Farewell Party. At Sky Lounge restaurant on 43 floor of Baiyoke Suite Hotel all of us exchange students from around the world had the opportunity to meet each other, as well as the helpful and sympathetic staff, for a final get-together before the decisive exams starts in December.
With common transportation from Thammasat, through the streets of Bangkok, we arrived at the location at 7 p.m. With a warm welcome, including gifts consisting of t-shirts and photos from our time at Thammasat, it was time for the large and tasty buffet – witch only got even better with the view of Bangkok by night around us. During the dinner Assistant Dean for Foreign Affairs Ajarn Lisa Sawatyanont gave an opening speech and shared words of wisdom to us students. She reminded us of our responsibility as future ambassadors of Thailand and Thammasat, and we promised that Thammasat always would be on our mind.  Subsequently, a Quiz Game was arranged, and us students could demonstrate our knowledge of Thammasat, Bangkok and Thailand – moreover with prizes to the quick and talented.
After dinner, we had time for a chat among each other and a final “see you later” before the last group photo of the exchange students and staffs was taken.
Thank you for yet another fabulous arrangement and for a fantastic time in Thailand at Thammasat, with many new experiences, friends and knowledge to carry for the rest of my life.
Posted date: November 21, 2007 – 13:00 hrs.
