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BBA Academic Orientation

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BBA#16 arrived at F-337 room at 9.00am, signing our name as usual except not for class but for the “Academic Orientation”. Ajarn Pantisa Pavabutr was welcoming us to the Orientation, mentioning that after this session, we might still confused with our life and that was Okay because life is unpredictable and we have to accept whatever comes. Keep in mind that what you choose to study today may not even relate to your future jobs. Take it easy, Guys!!
First speaker or I would say Ajarn Monvika Phadoongsitthi came up and introduced us through the “Accounting Major.” Ajarn walked us through all the courses related to Accounting Major. Ajarn also clarified us that Accounting Major students do not need to be a math guru like Ajarn Nopadol and Ajarn Akearin(lol), though all we need is a good CALCULATOR. With Accounting degree, we can apply to various fields such as External Auditor, work in Government institutes, or even run our own company. Ajarn gave us hope of being employed after graduated by referring to the past experience of our smart Roon’P.

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Next Ajarn Pantisa Pavabutr, with her British accent, came up to talk about “Finance Major”. Ajarn generally touched on the courses. The courses will focus on the actual finance topics or investment. With Finance degree, we can apply to various fields such as Financial Analyst, financial consultant, Investor and so on. Little tips from Ajarn were that students need to keep up with the current news and world situations and definitely have to be a MATH GEEK!!! (woah)
Last but not least, Ajarn Kritsadarat Wattanasuwan was up to talk about “Marketing Major” (yayyy.) Ajarn was very funny and looked very active. She walked us through what it takes to be in marketing major. Most people think being a Marketing student must be creative. Don’t worry!!! “Creativity is not a gift from God,” said Ajarn, “it is something that could be learned.” All you need is to be observant and think outside the box. Career Path for marketing students can be in the logistics area, Market research area or even be a university advisor. (lol)
It was about 10.30 am and we were open to ask Ajarns questions about majors, grades, exchange programs, and etc. Then, it was the time we have been waiting for….free lunch from MK. BBA is quite hi-so when it comes to food, mentioned my friend. (lol) I totally agree with her!! The Orientation went great and we learned a lot from it. On behalf of my friends, I would like to thank all who make this happen.
Posted date: May 7, 2008 – 12:10 hrs.
