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A New Exchange Partner 2008 – University of Minnesota at Twin Cities

BBA International Program, Thammasat University, takes one step forward to expand its internationalization through academic collaborations with the Carlson School of Management (CSOM), University of Minnesota at Twin Cities (, ranked 12th best business undergraduate program in the United States by U.S. News and World Report in 2007.  And Minnesota is considered one of the coldest places in the US.!! In fall 2008 the CSOM will introduce a new innovative business curriculum along with its new state-of-the-art undergraduate facility. 

In March 2008 Mr. Joe Mosher, Global Immersion Coordinator of CSOM, made a visit to our campus and discussed with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kulpatra Sirodom, BBA Director, about how to enhance and leverage the value of the exchange activities between two schools.  For the very first time, the BBA Program nominated two students to go on exchange at CSOM in spring 2009.  One of them is Ms. Piyaras Uboldejpracharak, a sophomore majoring in marketing, who had a chance to seek advice from Mr. Joe on the necessary preparations for studying at CSOM.   
Posted date: March 29, 2008 – 15:00 hrs.
