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Visitation of University of Southern California

By Ruksawaan Yanyongkasemsuk, BBA#13
On Monday 17 March 2008, BBA International Program of Thammasat University had a great opportunity to welcome professors and students from the prestigious Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC), ranked 17 of the best US business schools by Business Week 2007.  The USC has been a new exchange partner with BBA Program. 

It was early in the morning when representatives from BBA#13 and #14 met Ajarn James Fitzpatrick to prepare for a case study activity hosted by the BBA Program.  We broke into teams to mix with the USC students, and that was the best part of this activity.  We got a chance to work with those whom we just met a few minutes ago, to analyze a business case study, to share ideas and, most importantly, to learn from one another.  The room was full of fun, yet each team wanted to win as there would be a grand prize for the winner.  Each team had only one hour to discuss and make recommendations regarding a given case situation.  Pressured by time constraints, we had to wrap up with multiple case recommendations very quickly and made a 10-minute presentation to our judges, Ajarn James Fitzpatrick and Prof. Robert McCann.  After all teams finished their presentations, the winning team was announced (and sadly it wasn’t my team!!).  Then, it was time for a brief campus tour and lunch!  We all had lunch together at Dome restaurant where several kinds of Thai food were provided.  As one of participants in this activity, I am certain that both students from USC and BBA Program have received great experiences working together, exchanging ideas, learning from one another and proving how easy it is to make new friends.  It proved that we can work side by side with them, given that they are from a top-notch business school in the US.  Although only one team won and got the awards, the objectives of this activity were certainly achieved.
Posted date: March 29, 2008- 14:55 hrs.
