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Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Program

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By Sasirat  Kittichungchit, BBA#16
Spending a week in Leverkusen, Germany is one of the very enriching trips I have had. All thanks to the Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Program that allowed me to experience the most advanced technology, which could have shaped the future in Crop Science, Material Science and Healthcare. I, with other 49 representatives from 17 countries from Asia and Latin America, visited the Research Institutes and investigated the complexity of fungicide formation and its elaborate testing about the effects on humans, ecology and environment before being released to the market. We discussed the balance between traditional farming and genetically modified method, with the problems of increasing world population, reducing arable lands and climate change. I, thus, shared my opinion on the sufficiency agriculture we have in Thailand and the responses were very welcoming.

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Germany is one of countries to have the best environmental management in the world.  Its people willingly and actively abide by the rules and regulation implemented by its authority.  An example is seen in the disciplinary in waste management.  The Germans amazingly separate their wastes into 33 categories, ranging from electrical appliances to different types on glass, plastics, corks to toxic materials.  They make an effort to drive their garbage to the waste collecting company, even if they have to pay for the amount of waste they dispose.  And if we compare this to Thailand, where Thais sell their old televisions or refrigerators for money, it is just on the opposite side of the story and I begin to wonder.  Does it sound right to dispose some waste and get money for it?  Should we be responsible for the wastes we make and environmental problems we collectively create?  Yes, I think we should. We have to.
The wonderful trip gave me deep insights on how economic growth and environmental conservation can head towards the same direction.  I have made many friends, who share common interest on sustainable development, and I will definitely keep that in mind for my business in future.
Posted date: November 26, 2007 – 15:10 hrs.
