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BBA Delegation Attends PIM Conference 2007

By Dr. Somboon  Kulvisaechana
     Associate Director for International Affairs
To invigorate the symbiotic relationships between business schools across continents, the exchange program executives and coordinators from different universities need to share experiences or exchange ideas on ways in which exchange activities should be enhanced.  This year Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kulpatra Sirodom (BBA Director) and Dr. Somboon  Kulvisaechana (Associate Director for International Affairs of BBA Program) were the BBA representatives, accompanied by Ajarn Lisa  Sawatyanon and Prof. Dr. Siriluck  Rojchanakijumnuay (Thammasat Business School representatives), to attend the annual conference of the Partnership in International Management (PIM) held in Johannesburg, South Africa during Oct. 24-27, 2007.  PIM is an exclusive organization comprising of 58 top-notch business schools around the world, such as New York University, University of Chicago, York University, Copenhagen Business School, Tsinghua University and University of Melbourne.

Over three intensive days in the territory of the rich history of human rights, the conference focused on various interesting issues: business education updates through the lens of academics and directors of business schools, leadership programs in business schools and collaborative initiatives through visiting scholar programs, upon which Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kulpatra was an invited speaker in the session.  One of the most well-received sessions was “Communicating Across Generations - Mind the Gap,” delivered by Prof. Dr. Graeme Codrington of Wits Business School (South Africa).  He provided insights on core values, characteristics and behaviors of people across different generations (i.e., Silent Generation, Boomers, Generation X and Millennial Generation) which reflect a cycle of generational changes over time.  Implicitly, this serves as a ‘wake-up’ call for business school deans and directors to develop more interactive, value-driven and focused business curricular that respond to both corporate challenges and business students’ changing needs now and beyond.   
The attendees got down to a serious business of negotiating and discussing ways in which exchange program schemes can be enriched and enhanced over years to come.  The Thammasat representatives hit it hard by promoting an internship program and an independent study scheme as free electives for incoming exchange students.  This initiative allows more flexibility and opens up ‘unparalleled’ opportunities for the exchange students to expose to both academic and corporate worlds in Thai context over just one period of stay.
Moreover, negotiations to establish new prospective exchange agreements for our BBA students at schools are underway.  Those include Norwegian School of Economics and Management (Norway), Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico), Tsinghua Univerisity (China) and Corvinus University (Hungary).  This effort reflects our strong commitment to become truly international.  Also, alternative forms of exchange (i.e., study tours and summer programs) are being explored.    
Thammasat’s membership in PIM has enabled our students to engage in a wide array of international activities, like exchange programs and business case competitions.  Such an organic growth in the institutional collaborations provides Thammasat Business School a unique avenue to develop more international quality-driven initiatives in order to meet the challenges of future educational phenomena. 
Posted date: November 5, 2007 – 08:45 hrs.
