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Field Trip for Incoming Exchange Students - Fall 2007

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By Miss Lise Munch-Hansen
Copenhagen Business School Students
As part of the introduction phase in the BBA program at Thammasat, we recently embarked on an overnight trip to Hua Hin.  Situated about three hours South of Bangkok near the mountainous region by Myanmar, Hua Hin is Thailand first bathing resort.  It has remained a glamorous getaway spot since King Rama IV built his summer palace here in 1923, and has since attracted Thai and farang alike, to enjoy the sandy beaches and historical charm.
We were surprised to find that we had been checked-in to one of the finest hotels in the area, The Dusit Resort Hua Hin, complete with 5-star service and numerous pools by the beach.  We spent the first few hours sun-seeking, lingering by the pool, then enjoying a seaside lunch with the programme coordinators, before the real programme of the trip entered into force: the teambuilding.
Admittedly, most of us did not know each other before starting at Thammasat, so getting to mingle like this was a much needed activity, and we started off the afternoon with activities for the whole group.  Later on, we were split into three, large teams, and set out to compete against each other in a number of tasks.  My own team consisted of a mix of Danes, Americans, Norwegians, a Chinese and last but not least Mama Pam (Narisa Klieothong) who as our program administrator was a marvellous addition to our group.  Our challenges ranged from general team planning, to more strategising, as when we were tested on how fast we could fill a bucket with water on the one end of a lever, with the other bucket full, weighing down. While you may think this sound like an easy task, I urge you to think again!  The empty bucket was too high for us to reach, we were only equipped with cups with holes in them to fill with water.  After some pondering over the laws of physics, we had quickly discovered our own water transportation system, which involved us standing on each others backs and using bamboo sticks as water runways.

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The afternoon proceeded with activities like these, and we both jumped through elastic cobwebs and attempted to fill leaky buckets with seawater, competing against the other teams in time, group efficiency and completion of the tasks.  When the activities were completed by all the groups, we gathered for a snack on the hotel lawn, and the winning team was announced.  Our team came in on the second place, and the first prize was awarded to a team consisting of Italians and Germans, who were awarded Dusit Resort T-shirts by Ajarn Lisa  Sawatyanont; Assistant Dean for Foreign Affairs.
Needless to say these activities made us quite hungry, and we had dinner by the pool, where a Thai music band provided entertainment.  After dinner, a majority of us caught a ride into Hua Hin town to discover what was beyond the resort.  Some of us strolled down the night market, buying jewellery or small souvenirs, while others retreated to a pier restaurant to relax with a soda, and look out on the lights from the fishing boats out at sea.
The following morning we set out to discover Thai culture.  Firstly, we attended a cooking class, where a hotel chef demonstrated who to make Kanom-Bearng, which resembled a small pancake garnished with coconut and coriander. The art of batik painting was also tried, and we painted T-shirts with watercolours. Lastly, we tried a famous Thai handicraft – fruit and vegetable carving. We turned tomatoes and turnips into roses, and cucumbers into leaves.
Our last stop on the trip was a visit to the royal summer palace, Maruekhathaiyawan Palace.  It was an immense pastel-coloured wooden structure overlooking the sea, with endless rooms and open hallways and original furniture on display.
On this trip, we have gotten to know each other very well, across classes and countries of origin.  Not only did we mingle as students, but the presence of Supaporn, Mama Pam, Aom, Tom, Arjan Lisa Sawatyanont and Dr. Somboon  Kulvisaechana made it a fantastic weekend.  All the BBA students agreed on one thing: that we wish we could have stayed in Hua Hin for much longer!
Posted date: August 28, 2007 - 14:30 hrs.
