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BBA#13 Business Simulation Game

By Maew, Nu, Dai, Sai, Kit, Save & Mark - Group C
“Beep Beep Beep Beep”, the alarm clock rang continuously. It was 5.30am on Tuesday morning when we (the group) had to get up and got ready for the 1st business game simulation, which was hold at Cape Racha Hotel in Chonburi. 5.30am wasn’t the most enjoyable time to get up, especially when you slept at 4am after a heavy night out. Anyway we somehow managed to get up, dragging others and ourselves out of bed. We got to the university at 6.30am, get on the bus promptly and off we went.
The purpose for this trip was for us to learn how to manage a near real business scenario. This is relatively similar to the business game that we all have done at the orientation in freshmen year, if you could recall. But this time more factors were involved and obviously a lot more challenging.
We got to the hotel at roughly about 9am, which is a lot earlier than schedule. After a little break, we then move ourselves into the meeting room where we all separated into a self organize groups. Each group consists of 7 people and each must have at least 1 person from each major. This was rather hard to do as very little people from accounting major came. After that was done we were brief with the instruction of how the simulation will be run and soon after its kick-off time.

The simulation was somewhat intense at the beginning. Every group put their 110% effort into the work. After a two round of the simulation, the students have revealed their great potential and shown how much each have learnt throughout the years in BBA. Every group somehow managed to put themselves into bankruptcy. Ajarn have no choice at this stage but to help out. We (the group) ran out of energy fairly quickly. But we somehow manage to keep our company alive and remain on track until the end of the day. After 8 hours of hard work, the simulation concludes for the day at 10pm. At last, the time that we (the group) have all been waiting and wishing for finally arrived; bed time.
Morning came quickly and unwanted. We start off the day with refreshing and fulfilling breakfast. Soon later, at about 10am, the final round of business simulation began. Once again every group and everyone put in every effort. An hour later, the simulation has reached the conclusion. Results were announced and the winners were rewarded with something they deserve. The meeting hall was filled with cheers and laughter.
We check out of the hotel at about 12pm and get on the bus punctually, leaving nothing but happiness behind. This has surely been an extremely long and tiring 2 days for everyone, especially our group, but without doubt, very enjoyable.
The hospitality was outstanding. The hotel itself was clean, neat and welcome. The hotel’s staffs were very friendly and the food was just simply gratifying and superb. And last but not least, we would like to thanks all the Ajarn and staffs who were involved with the business simulation. It has truly been a very knowledgeable and entertaining trip. Kob khun krub.
Posted date: August 17, 2007 – 12:00 hrs.
