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MK 331 Student Activities

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We're the first group to go and our task is to set up an event for a campaign against drug use.  Our theme is "The Gateway".  This is intended as a metaphor equating the first decision to use drugs with opening the "door of death".  Our goal was to play on people's emotions in order to instill fear not only of bodily harm, but of death and the well-being of their family and friends. 
We created an ominous foreboding feeling inside our tent of death by surrounding it on all sides with thick black material (which took all night to sew and put together).  Upon entering the tent you are confronted immediately with a display of the drug itself in a small display case.  The room directly following this is a very graphic reminder of the death and horrible accidents that can occur with use, including an eerie empty wheelchair and pictures of roadway accidents.  The participants are asked at every step, "So, do you still want to do drugs?"  And the climax is a pile of mangled car parts that we picked up from a real accident.  And now you have two choices; quit or not, life or death.  The path to life is open and well lit, and the path to death is dark and ominous.  But if you still choose to continue using drugs, death over life, you enter a funeral and the person in the coffin could be you!  You are finally brought out to "life" where we display trophies, medals, and awards that could be yours if you choose the right path.  We hope that every person who went through our exhibition left with a lasting impression of the negative effects of drug use, and that they will spread the message to their friends as well.  DON'T DO DRUGS!!!    view photo album
Most of us are probably familiar with the old saying “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a life time” but rarely does anyone of us actually know how tiring it is to learn “to fish”. On the 2nd of May 2007, students enrolled in the Integrated Marketing Communication class were to hold an event in accordance to their given subject. Our group was assigned to run the anti-smoking campaign and the event was held in front of the Dome building during 9-12am. The theme that we have came up with for our campaign was “Dub Fai Duay Ruk” or “The Power of Love” with the intention to differentiate ourselves from the usual anti-smoking campaigns in the hope to use love as an influencer as we see it as something more prevailing.
Despite the fact that it rained all morning and the audiences were out of range, we as the students had a lot of fun holding this event and at the same time learnt a great deal from it. On behalf of our group, I would like to thank Ajarn Nopporn Ruangwanit (or Aj.Mark) for giving us this opportunity to do something for the society while also making us realize that if the only thing he ever give to us is lecture then it would be like a “fish” that we could just make use of it to pass an exam and forget it the following day. However by letting us hold an event, something that lies beyond everyday classrooms, he has instead taught us for life what Integrated Marketing Communication truly is and understands that working in the real environment is not easy as it seems. Thank you Ajarn!    view photo album

As the third group, the last group of the class, the topic we got was anti alcohol campaign. Our group composed of 10 people: 4 Thais and 6 International. It was a very good chance to gain experience; differences in culture, the way of thinking, the way of doing work, and a lot more we shared. The theme we did was “Drink with Care”. We realized that it is almost impossible to stop people from drinking, which the targets perceive as an important tool to socialize and, at the same time, to have fun with more confidence. And due to a short period of the campaign, we aimed at reducing the consumption by reinforced and remind people of the negative effects of alcohol.
Unlike other groups, we invited third party to join us. We had two bands playing on the event day: Oh Seksan and Emotion Town. Together we ran our own activities: Mocktail Station, where we gave out free non-alcoholic drink, and Destroy the Beer Pyramid!, which the players had to wear a ‘special glasses’ that made the vision different and they had to throw the balls to destroy the beer pyramid in front of them. In the middle of the event, there were information boards provided. On the boards, we printed out nice pictures and stories, including facts and stats. This is the important point of the event where people can just stop by and read the stories of real-life experience of real people that occurred because of alcohol. They can also learn about negative effects of alcohol from stats and facts sheets.
From this assignment, we learnt great deal of knowledge that no other classes can teach. We learnt that arranging the event is far more different than what the theory said. Things were not exactly like what we have planned on the real day; step 1-2-3 became 3-1-2, for example. We had to use impromptu skill in order to get things back on the right track again. Thank you to Ajarn Nopporn who let us applies the knowledge we have into action like no other classes would.   view photo album
Posted date: May 7, 2007
