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Personal Information
Batch :
Gender : Male Female
Title : Mr. Ms. Others
Name :
Last Name :
Date of Birth * :
Country of Birth :
Address :
Home Phone :
Mobile Phone :
E-mail Address * :
Picture :

Education Information
Undergraduate Information : BBA International Thammasat University
Student ID.No. :
BBA# :
Admission Year :
Year of Graduation :
Major : Accounting Finance
Other Degrees or Professional Training
1. From: : To :
Degree/Diploma :
Institution :
Major :

2. From : To :
Degree/Diploma :
Institution :
Major :

3. From : To :
Degree/Diploma :
Institution :
Major :

Academic Awards / Scholarships :

Working Information
Are you currently employed? : Yes No
Working information (Current) Type : Government
State Enterprise
Self Employed
Job Description :
Company :
Address :
Office Tel. :
Office Fax :
Position :
Salary :
Reason for Unemployment :
Working Experience
1. From : To :
Company Name :
Address :
Position :
Salary :

2. From : To :
Company Name :
Address :
Position :
Salary :

3. From : To :
Company Name :
Address :
Position :
Salary :

The BBA office respects your privacy and will not disclose any information you choose to maintain private. Please specify your personal information you wish to keep undisclosed:
Name / Last name
Home Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Company Name
Work Position
  Office No.
Student ID. No.
BBA Major
Tertiary Education
E-mail Address
Others, Please Specify  
Other comments  
I have agreed to allow BBA International Program, Thammasat University to disclose my personal information as provided above.  I understand that the items I have selected undisclosed will not be available to the public but maintained for official use only.