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2-2021-Change of Major, Minor and Double Major (if Any)

The students who would like to change the major, minor, or double major areas, must update the information in the database via the link  The schedules for major, minor or double major revision is between October 15, 2021 (9:00 a.m.) and October 16, 2021 (4:00 p.m.)
For student ID. No. 61xxx to 64xxx, according to the BBA curriculum 2018, the member of students with Accounting major is 60.  If the number of students intending to major in Accounting exceed 60, BBA International Program will rank the written admission score to select students eligible for Accounting major. (Score ranking for only students altering to Accounting Major only)
Students who decide to change the selected fields of study must acknowledge the risk of not graduating within the specified time period.
Posted on October 11,2021 – 10.30 a.m.