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FN425 Financial Viability Study Field Trip at SCG Trading Co., Ltd.

Written by Uthaiwan Veerasiriyanon, BBA #22
One of the most exciting ways of studying is going out and exploring what people are actually doing in the real world. On 17th November 2016, BBA Thammasat has given students from class FN425 Financial Viability Study such opportunity to go on a field trip at SCG Trading Co., Ltd.
The session was begun by introducing us to know more about SCG Trading Co., Ltd. that it is a business leader in ASEAN with its 3 core business units which are SCG Cement-Building Materials, SCG Chemicals, and SCG Packaging. Since SCG Trading Co., Ltd. has expanded itself into ASEAN, the company has to invest in a lot of new projects and in order to know if that project will actually be worth to continue or able to achieve its operating objectives and fulfill its mission over the long term, Financial Viability Study is definitely a mandatory step before making such decision. The guest speaker later gave us an example of case study by showing us what the indicators to measure the project feasibility are, what kind of assumptions we have to make, and how to gather all the reliable information and data. Before the session ended, we got chance to hear the experience from the expat who has been working for SCG Trading Co., Ltd. in Thailand for few years and then moved to work in Philippines, Singapore and Australia in total of almost 10 years. We want to thank to Asst. Prof. Dr. Toryos Pandejpong for offering us to have this chance to explore and learn more about Financial Viability Study being used in the real working world.
Posted on November 23, 2016
